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Atla Semiconductor Asia Limited
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45 451 товаров

Atla Semiconductor Asia Limited

Статус: участник

География: Санкт-Петербург

Atla is an independent distributor of integrated electronic components. Since its establishment in 2018, ATLA Semiconductor Electronics has been committed to realizing the vision of "building a world-leading one-stop intelligent procurement platform for international electronic components" through its powerful information network and supplier database. I have been deeply involved in the industry for many years, constantly innovating and optimizing all aspects of upstream and downstream transaction services, obtained a high-tech enterprise certificate, passed a number of international quality certification standards, and became a member of many international organizations. Industry Association. Our extensive product range includes high-quality memory chips, passive components, semiconductors, PCBs, integrated circuits, batteries, microcontrollers and other electronic components. Our products are used in a wide range of industries, including aviation, automotive, new energy, communication, medical and health.

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География и контакты

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  • СБ
  • ВС




Email: suming@hk-atla.com

Сайт: http://www.hk-atla.com


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ООО «Мегател», ИНН 3666086782, ОГРН 1033600037020

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